Next November, from the 20th to the 23rd, the third "France-Japan Cancer" Congress will take place, in Toulouse. This international network (International Scientific Coordination network: ISCN) is managed by both INSERM and CNRS.
Its goal is to foster scientific exchanges (fundamental and clinical research) in the field of cancer. The network gathers 42 laboratories: 22 on the French side and 20 on the Japanese's.
The first two editions (Montpellier, in 2011 and Tokushima, in 2012) were a big hit. The quality of the speakers made no doubt. As a matter of fact, most of them were well-known scientists of the cancer field. Moreover, the idea of exchanging with young researchers was really appreciated. It indeed became the rule: each team has to be represented by a Principal Investigator and a young phD.
This year again, the conference will cover the two topics that were decided when the ISCN Convention was signed: Genome, epigenome, nuclear dynamics and Cancer and Cell growth, signaling, infection and Cancer.
This third Congess will be happening a few weeks before the University Institute of Cancer (UIC) starts up. The UIC is aimed to be at the heart of the Oncopole of Toulouse. This will then be a great opportunity for the participants to discover this original and large-scalled project.